Welcome to the TfT Hacker website, your go-to destination for Tools for Thought! As the name suggests, Tools for Thought (TfT) are a unique class of tools, encompassing software and strategies designed to enhance our thinking abilities and creativity. # [[JournalCraft]]: Premium Journaling Templates Discover [[JournalCraft]], a curated collection of 10 powerful journaling templates designed to enhance your journaling experience. Journaling is a powerful way to explore your thoughts, feelings, and experiences. With [[JournalCraft]], you will learn to easily reflect on your day, plan for the future, or dive deep into self-discovery. These templates work smoothly with Obsidian, giving you structure and writing freedom. No plugins, no complicated setup. This is an educational tool to help you with your journaling practice. ![JournalCraft for Obsidian](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uRb4E80TFBw) Find out more at this [[JournalCraft|link]]. [![[buy-now.png|200]]](https://store.tfthacker.com/buy/c3282038-913e-4cef-83eb-45a216805476) # [[Cornell Notes Learning Vault]] for Obsidian This is a special tool to learn and enable the highly effective and time-tested Cornell Note-taking method in your Obsidian digital notes and note-taking on paper. One system to rule them all! Learn more in this brief video: ![Overview of Cornell Notes Learning Vault](https://youtu.be/ai9P4_E0WLg) Find out more at: [[Cornell Notes Learning Vault]] [![[buy-now.png|200]]](https://tft.lemonsqueezy.com/checkout/buy/bb038915-6598-4a7b-af2a-1b902ae014eb) # Published by TfT Hacker I enjoy writing on technology and other topics from time to time. Please check some of my articles. The following is a list of topics I have covered. - [[Obsidian Articles]] - [[Obsidian Quick Tips Series]] - [[Artificial Intelligence (AI)]] - [[Readwise]] - [[Time Management]] - [[Napkin]] - [[Logseq]] - [[Other Topics]] # Obsidian Plugins by TfT Hacker - [[Introduction to Strange New Worlds|Strange New Worlds]] Revealing the strange new world of connected thoughts in your vault. - [[Introduction to the Beta Reviewer's Auto-update Tool|Beta Reviewer's Auto-update Tool a.k.a. BRAT]] is a plugin that makes it easier for you to assist other developers with reviewing and testing their plugins and themes. - [[Introduction to Text Transporter|Text Transporter]] Advanced text management for Obsidian. - [[Introduction to WordNet Dictionary plugin|WordNet Dictionary]] brings to Obsidian a large lexical database of English terms developed by Princeton University. - [[Introduction to Jump to Date|Jump to Date]] Quickly navigate to a Daily Notes Page using a popup calendar from the ribbon or with a form you type in a natural language date expression. # Communicating with me I enjoy speaking with members of the TfT community and helping with the tools and articles I have published. Please feel free to reach out to me (publicly or DM) via one of the following places: * [Twitter @tfthacker](https://twitter.com/tfthacker) * [Mastodon: @[email protected]](https://pkm.social/@TfTHacker) * Discord user: TfTHacker