![[Product Info#^embed]] This solution allows you to create banner images across the top of a page without the need for a plugin. ![[Banner Images without a Plugin.jpg|500]] ### More information This solution is documented in this article: [Hacking Obsidian: Creating Notion-like banner images in Obsidian without Plugins](https://medium.com/obsidian-observer/hacking-obsidian-creating-notion-like-banner-images-in-obsidian-without-plugins-7ad3e0bddc30) > The [[Cornell Notes Learning Vault]] also includes a template for quickly inserting banner images into documents. ![[Templater-Banner.gif|600]] #### CSS Snippet for this solution ```css /* Author: TfTHacker - more info https://tfthacker.com/banner-image Date: 2023-08-08 LICENSE: Copyright © 2023 TfThacker. Permission is granted to modify and distribute copies of this CSS file, that credit is given to TfThacker (https://tfthacker.com/) and the banner image source (https://tfthacker.com/banner-image) remains linked and credited. */ :root { --banner-image-height: 150px; } .banner-image > .markdown-preview-section { margin-top: var(--banner-image-height) !important; } .show-view-header div:not(.markdown-embed-content) > .markdown-preview-view:is(.banner-imageright):has([data-callout="banner-image"]) { padding-top: 0px; } .banner-image.markdown-preview-view [data-callout="banner-image"] { position: absolute; top: 0; left: 0; right: 0; height: var(--banner-image-height) !important; margin: 0px !important; padding: 0px; background-color: transparent; border: 0px !important; border-radius: unset !important; .callout-icon { display: none; } .callout-title { padding: 0px !important; border: 0px !important; } .callout-title-inner { padding: 0px !important; margin: 0px !important; } } .banner-image.markdown-preview-view [data-callout="banner-image"] img { position: absolute; min-height: var(--banner-image-height) !important; width: 100%; object-fit: cover; margin: 0px !important; padding: 0px !important; } .banner-image [data-callout="banner-image"] { .callout-icon { display: none; } } @media print { [data-callout="banner-image"] { position: unset !important; top: unset !important } .banner-no-print [data-callout="banner-image"] { display: none; } } /* @settings name: Banner Image id: tft-banner-image settings: - id: banner-image-height title: Height in pixels description: Sets the height of the image and top margin area type: variable-number default: 150 format: px */ ``` #### Sample document for this solution ``` --- cssclass: banner-image --- >[!banner-image] ![[vacation.jpg]] # My Header My document text here ... ... ... ``` #### Exporting to PDF The banner will export to PDF, however, it is not aligned in the same way. PDF is a print medium and needs to be formatted differently. If you don't want the banner to show when printing, add `banner-no-print` to the cssclass in the frontmatter. It would like: ``` --- cssclass: banner-image, banner-no-print --- >[!banner-image] ![[vacation.jpg]] ``` When the frontmatter is configured this way, the banner will display in Preview mode in Obsidian, but will not display when using the Export to PDF option.