## Updating beta plugins
From the command palette, use the "Check for updates to beta plugins and UPDATE" to check if there are updates. Updates will be downloaded and installed, and the plugin will reload so that you can continue testing.
Also, in the settings tab for BRAT, you can configure that all beta plugins are checked for updates at the startup of Obsidian.
It may take 5 to 15 minutes for an updated beta plugin to update. This has to do with how GitHub caches information. If the developer says an update is available, you might need to wait briefly before checking if the update can be downloaded.
## Frozen version based on a release tag
BRAT will monitor and update plugins as they are updated in their GitHub repositories. However, if you want to freeze the version of a plugin, you can do so by using the command "BRAT: Add a beta plugin with frozen version based on a release tag". This will install the plugin with the version you specify but not update it when other plugins are updated.
## See if there are updates, but don't update them
The command palette command "Only check for updates to beta plugins, but don't Update" will look for updates to beta plugins but will not do any updates.
## Manually update one plugin
Use the "Choose a single plugin to update" command in the command palette to update a specific plugin.
## Restart a plugin
You may not need this often, but this is a useful feature for developers. You can force a plugin command from the command palette to be reloaded using the Restart a plugin command.
I use this for mobile development. Obsidian Sync synchronizes my code changes to my iPad, and then, on the iPad, I use the restart command to reload the plugin without restarting Obsidian.
Most of you won't need this, but it's helpful to developers. I bet you wish I told you this before you read this section.
# Reinstall a plugin
There may be times when an installed beta plugin becomes corrupt or you modify some files and want to then redownload the plugin. The reinstall command does just that. It will grab the beta version of the plugin from GitHub and replace whatever local plugin files you have on your disk.
## Enable/Disable a plugin
You can enable a plugin that is currently disabled or disable a plugin that is currently enabled. This saves you from having to go into Settings to toggle these plugins off and on.
# This is a little more explanation for those who like to read
The first thing you need is the GitHub Repository path for the beta plugin. This sounds way more complicated than it is. Plugins are developed using GitHub. Each developer has an account on GitHub and creates a unique repository for their plugin. Likely, the developer will give you this information, but you can ascertain it for yourself using your powerful ability to think, reason, and understand.
This is the info you need: The GitHub user name for the developer followed by the repository name. So, for example, for this plugin, the repository is located at `https://github.com/TfTHacker/obsidian42-brat`. From this, you can ignore "https://github.com". But the next block of text is the user name, then a forward slash / then the repository name. So the GitHub repository path in this case is:
That is all you need. Once you have the repository path, open the command palette and find the "Add a beta plugin for testing" (or "Add a beta plugin with a frozen version for testing") command. Then, you will be prompted for the repository path. Once you add it, this will install the beta plugin into your vault.